BasicNeeds-Ghana implements the model for Mental Health and Development (MHD), an innovative, user and community centered development model developed by BasicNeeds UK Trust to meet the mental health treatment needs of people with mental illness or epilepsy, increase awareness and influence public opinion, policies and practices, and assure a means to a secure livelihoods for people with mental illness or epilepsy, their carers and families.
The model is a five-modular innovative approach to making mental health as much a rights and development issue as it is medical in nature. The model is based on the philosophy of building inclusive communities where mentally ill people, through development, realize their rights. We do this by addressing not only the illness through improved treatment and reintegration, but also the poverty in order to enable an individual to achieve sustainable recovery.
The model also acknowledges the right of people with mental illness or epilepsy to be consulted about how our programmes and projects are managed. It equally emphasises the importance of building of capacity (knowledge and skills) of individuals, communities and organisations to address health and livelihoods needs of persons with mental illness or epilepsy and their carers and families.
In addition, BasicNeeds-Ghana works to influence mental health policy at local, national and international levels.

Modules of Mental Health and Development
- Identifying, mobilizing, sensitizing and training mental health development stakeholders
- Enabling effective and affordable community oriented mental health services
- Facilitating opportunities for affected individuals to gain or regain the ability to work, earn and contribute to family and community life
- Generating evidence from the practice of mental health and development
- Forging partnerships with stakeholders who are involved in implementing the model on the ground and/or are responsible for
policy and practice decisions to improve mental health provision.