Ghana Risperdal Access Initiative

Through the support of JANSSEN (Johnson & Johnson Ltd) Direct Relief, a United States of America (USA) based medical charity provides donations of risperidone and other psychotropic and anti-epilepsy medicines to BasicNeeds-Ghana (BNGh) to in turn give Community Mental Health Units (CMHUs) in some of the remote and hard-to-reach and poorly served communities to support poor and vulnerable mental health service users.

This assures all-year round access to essential medicines that persons living with mental health conditions are put on. It seeks to help to reduce the undesirable effects of inadequate government supplies of psychotropic medicines to persons under treatment and their caregivers and families. The project, which started in 2017, has been running for three years now and shipments of medicines valued at hundreds of thousands of United States Dollars have been provided and serving over 5000 mental health service users.